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- Pheasant: General, Archery, Falconry
- Quail: General, Archery, Falconry
- Chukar: General, Archery, Falconry
- Sage Grouse: General, Archery, Falconry
- Sooty and Ruffed Grouse: General, Archery, Falconry
- Ptarmigan: General, Archery, Falconry
- Wild Turkey: General, Archery, Falconry
- Spotted Doves and Ringed Turtle-doves: General, Archery, Falconry
- Eurasian Collared-doves: General, Archery, Falconry
- Band-tailed Pigeons: Shotgun, Archery, Falconry
- Mourning Doves and White-winged Doves: Shotgun, Archery, Falconry
- Common Snipe: Shotgun, Archery, Falconry
- American Crow: Shotgun, Archery, Falconry
- Subdivision 2. Game, Furbearers, Nongame, and Depredators
- Chapter 1. General Provisions and Definitions
- §250. General Prohibition Against Taking Resident Game Birds, Game Mammals, Exotic Game Mammals, and Furbearing Mammals.
- §250.1.Prohibition on the Use of Lead Projectiles and Ammunition Using Lead Projectiles for the Take of Wildlife.
- §250.2. Nonlead Ammunition Coupon Program Process.
- §250.5. Shooting Time.
- §251. Prohibition on Pursuing or Shooting Birds and Mammals from Motor-Driven Air or Land Vehicles, Motorboats, Airboats, Sailboats or Snowmobiles.
- §251.1. Harassment of Animals.
- §251.5. Game Birds, Game Mammals, Exotic Game Mammals, Furbearers and Nongame Animals, Possession Of.
- §251.7. Possession, Transportation and Importation of Game Birds.
- §251.8. Transportation of Game Birds and Game Mammals off Indian Reservations.
- §251.9. Computer Assisted Remote Hunting
- §252. Bag and Possession Limit Defined.
- §255. Code Definitions Reaffirmed.
- §257. Resident Small Game Defined.
- §257.5. Prohibition Against Taking Resident Game Birds, Game Mammals, and Exotic Game Mammals by the Aid of Bait.
- §258. Season Defined.
- §260. Prohibition Against Taking Other Than Migratory Game Birds and Quail in Picacho State Recreation Area.
- §260.1. Prohibition Against Hunting Other Than During September-January on Providence Mountains State Recreation Area.
- §260.2. Hunting Restrictions on Lake Oroville State Recreation Area.
- §260.3. Prohibition Against Taking Other Than Migratory Game Birds on San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area.
- §260.4. Prohibition Against Taking Other Than Waterfowl and Resident Small Game on Perris Reservoir State Recreation Area.
- §260.5. Prohibition Against Taking Other Than Waterfowl, American Coots, Common Moorhens and Common Snipe Within Harry A. Merlo State Recreation Area.
- §262. Prohibition Against Hunting on Portions of Frank's Tract State Recreation Area.
- §263. Prohibition Against Night Hunting.
- Chapter 2. Resident Small Game
- §300. Upland Game Birds.
- Pheasant: General, Archery, Falconry
- Quail: General, Archery, Falconry
- Chukar: General, Archery, Falconry
- Sage Grouse: General, Archery, Falconry
- Sooty and Ruffed Grouse: General, Archery, Falconry
- Ptarmigan: General, Archery, Falconry
- Wild Turkey: General, Archery, Falconry
- Spotted Doves and Ringed Turtle-doves: General, Archery, Falconry
- Eurasian Collared-doves: General, Archery, Falconry
- Band-tailed Pigeons: Shotgun, Archery, Falconry
- Mourning Doves and White-winged Doves: Shotgun, Archery, Falconry
- Common Snipe: Shotgun, Archery, Falconry
- §310.5 Shooting Hours for Upland Game Birds
- §311. Methods Authorized for Taking Resident Small Game.
- §311.6. Prohibition of Rifles and Pistols in Picacho and Providence Mountains State Recreation Areas.
- §313. Upland Game Bird Hunting Validation.
- §354. Archery Equipment and Crossbow Regulations.
- Chapter 6. Nongame Animals
- Chapter 7. Migratory Game Birds
- Subdivision 3. General Regulations.
- Chapter 3. Miscellaneous.
Subdivision 2. Game, Furbearers, Nongame and Depredators
Chapter 1. General Provisions and Definitions
§250. General Prohibition Against Taking Resident Game Birds, Game Mammals, Exotic Game Mammals, and Furbearing Mammals.
Except as otherwise provided in this Title 14, and in the Fish and Game Code, resident game birds, game mammals, exotic game mammals, and furbearing mammals may not be taken at any time.
Amendment filed 5/29/2024; operative 7/1/2024.
§250.1.Prohibition on the Use of Lead Projectiles and Ammunition Using Lead Projectiles for the Take of Wildlife.
- (a) Purpose. This regulation phases in the requirements of Fish and Game Code Section 3004.5, which prohibits the use of any lead projectiles or ammunition containing lead projectiles when taking any wildlife with a firearm on or after July 1, 2019.
- (b) Definitions.
- (1) A projectile is any bullet, ball, sabot, slug, buckshot, shot, pellet or other device that is expelled from a firearm through a barrel by force.
- (2) Nonlead ammunition is any centerfire, shotgun, muzzleloading, or rimfire ammunition containing projectiles certified pursuant to subsection (b)(3) or subsection (f).
- (3) Shotgun ammunition containing pellets composed of materials approved as nontoxic by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as identified in Section 507.1 of these regulations, is considered certified.
- (4) A nonlead projectile shall contain no more than one percent lead by weight, as certified pursuant to subsection (b)(3) or subsection (f).
- (c) General Provisions.
- (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, it is unlawful to possess any projectile containing lead in excess of the amount allowed in subsection (b)(4) and a firearm capable of firing the projectile while taking or attempting to take wildlife.
- (2) The possession of a projectile containing lead in excess of the amount allowed in subsection (b)(4) without possessing a firearm capable of firing the projectile is not a violation of this section.
- (3) Nothing in this section is intended to prohibit the possession of concealable firearms containing lead ammunition, provided that the firearm is possessed for personal protection and is not used to take or assist in the take of wildlife.
- (d) Phased Approach to Prohibit the Use of Lead Ammunition for the Take of Wildlife. The use of lead projectiles is authorized until the effective dates described in subsections (d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3).
- (1) Effective July 1, 2015, it shall be unlawful to use, or possess with any firearm capable of firing, any projectile(s) not certified as nonlead when taking:
- (A) Nelson bighorn sheep as authorized by Fish and Game Code Section 4902; or
- (B) All wildlife in any wildlife area or ecological reserve, as described in sections 551, 552 and 630 of these regulations.
- (2) Effective July 1, 2016, it shall be unlawful to use, or possess with any shotgun capable of firing, any projectile(s) not certified as nonlead as described in subsection (b)(3) when taking:
- (A) Upland game birds as included in Fish and Game Code Section 3683, except for dove, quail, snipe, and any game birds taken under the authority of a licensed game bird club as provided for in sections 600 and 600.4 of these regulations;
- (B) Resident small game mammals as defined in Section 257 of these regulations;
- (C) Fur-bearing mammals as defined by Fish and Game Code Section 4000;
- (D) Nongame mammals as defined by Fish and Game Code Section 4150;
- (E) Nongame birds as defined by Fish and Game Code Section 3800; or
- (F) Any wildlife for depredation purposes, regardless of whether the take is authorized by a permit issued pursuant to sections 401 or 402 of these regulations.
- (3) Effective July 1, 2019, it shall be unlawful to use, or possess with any firearm capable of firing, any projectile(s) not certified as nonlead when taking any wildlife for any purpose in this state.
- (e) Condor Range. [This subsection shall be repealed effective July 1, 2019]
Methods of take. Notwithstanding subsection (c)(3), it is unlawful to use, or possess with any firearm capable of firing, any projectile or ammunition containing any projectile not certified as nonlead when taking or attempting to take any big game as defined in section 350, nongame birds, or nongame mammals, in the area defined as the “California condor range” in subsection (a) of Fish and Game Code Section 3004.5.
- (f) Nonlead Projectile and Ammunition Certification Process.
- (1) Any person or manufacturer requesting to have their projectile(s) or ammunition certified as nonlead shall submit the information identified in subsection (2) below to the Department of Fish and Wildlife's Wildlife Branch in Sacramento. The department shall certify or reject the request within 60 business days of receipt.
- (2) Information required for consideration of certification:
- (A) Name of manufacturer of projectile or ammunition, address, and contact information;
- (B) For projectile certifications, information shall include the following: caliber, weight in grains, product trade name or marketing line (if established), product or catalog number (SKUs or UPCs are acceptable), composition, percent content of lead by weight, and detailed unique identifying characteristics;
- (C) For ammunition certifications, information shall include the following: caliber, cartridge designation, weight in grains of the projectile, product trade name or marketing line (if established), product or catalog number (SKUs or UPCs are acceptable), composition of projectile, percent content of lead by weight of projectile, detailed unique identifying characteristics of the projectile, and any unique identifying characteristics of the cartridge;
- (D) Signed statement verifying all information provided is accurate; and
- (E) Digital color image of the projectile(s) or ammunition.
- (3) The department shall determine, based on the information supplied, whether the projectile contains no more than one percent of lead by weight.
- (4) The department shall update the list of certified projectiles and ammunition not less than once annually and make it available on the department's web site.
- (5) The department shall decertify and remove from the list any projectile(s) or ammunition it determines does not meet the standards set forth in this section.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§250.2. Nonlead Ammunition Coupon Program Process.
- (a) These regulations establish a nonlead ammunition coupon program using non-state funds to provide eligible hunters with nonlead ammunition at no or reduced charge. The program will be administered by an agent of the department and awarding of non-state funds will be administered as a grant. The department's agent will be selected through a public solicitation process, and, upon selection of an agent, the department will advertise a website address where eligible hunters may apply.
- (b) For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
- (1) “Eligible hunter” is any hunter who meets all of the following requirements:
- (A) is 18 years of age or older as of July 1 of the applicable license year;
- (B) holds an appropriate permit tag; and
- (C) is not prohibited from possessing ammunition pursuant to Penal Code section 30305.
- (2) “Appropriate permit tag” means a valid California tag, permit, or validation to hunt deer, elk, black bear, bighorn sheep, wild pig, pronghorn antelope, or upland game for the applicable license year.
- (3) “Applicable license year” means the license year in which the drawing will occur.
- (c) Any eligible hunter may apply to the department's agent to be entered in the nonlead ammunition coupon program drawing. The drawing will be administered through a nonlead ammunition coupon program website that is operated by the department's agent as established under a grant agreement.
- (d) On at least a monthly basis from July 1 through December 31, eligible hunters who have applied will be randomly selected to receive a coupon redeemable for a box of nonlead ammunition at reduced or no charge. The maximum number of eligible hunters drawn on a monthly basis will be determined based on the total funds available such that the number drawn each month, over the course of the six-month drawing period, will expend the total available funds in the year allocated. An average of no more than $30 per box of nonlead ammunition will be used in determining the maximum number of eligible hunters drawn each month.
- (e) To be considered, eligible hunters shall apply, at no charge, through a designated website developed and maintained by the department's agent. Eligible hunters may apply as soon as the website is available, and must apply no later than December 1 in the applicable license year. The applicant must provide the following information, which the department will use to verify eligibility for the drawing with the agent:
- (1) Name of applicant;
- (2) Applicant's date of birth;
- (3) Applicant's Document Number as printed on their hunting license for the license year in which the drawing will occur;
- (4) Mailing address and email for notification and for receiving a coupon for a box of ammunition;
- (5) Preferred ammunition type from the list of available ammunition as identified on the agent's nonlead ammunition coupon program website; and
- (6) Applicant's certification under penalty of perjury that he or she is not prohibited from possessing ammunition pursuant to of Penal Code section 30305.
- (f) The number of applicants to be selected during each drawing shall be determined by the department's agent and will be published on the website after the program is established and available funding is known. An eligible hunter with an appropriate permit tag may not apply more than once, nor be awarded more than once, during a license year. Applications will be considered in each of the subsequent drawings after receipt until they are either drawn, or the drawing period ends.
- (g) The list of available ammunition will be provided on the agent's website and will be dependent on market availability. Coupons for nonlead ammunition will not be available in all calibers or in all shotgun shell gauges or loads. For purposes of this section, a box of nonlead ammunition is 20 centerfire cartridges or 25 shotgun shells.
- (h) The program may be offered and implemented for license year 2017-18, and for subsequent license years, provided funding is available as determined by the department. The program will be implemented only if the department is successful at awarding a grant using non-state funding.
New section filed 9/13/2016; operative 1/1/2017.
§250.5. Shooting Time.
In these orders whenever a specific clock time is mentioned, such time is meant to be legal California time for the date specified: i.e., during the days when California is on Pacific Daylight Saving Time, Pacific Daylight Saving Time is intended; when California is legally on Pacific Standard Time, Pacific Standard Time is intended. When reference is made to sunrise or sunset time, such reference is to the sunrise or sunset time at the location of the hunter. (See Section 310.5 for shooting hours for upland game birds. See Section 506 for shooting hours for migratory game birds.)
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§251. Prohibition on Pursuing or Shooting Birds and Mammals from Motor-Driven Air or Land Vehicles, Motorboats, Airboats, Sailboats or Snowmobiles.
- (a) General Prohibition: No person shall pursue, drive, herd, or take any bird or mammal from any type of motor-driven air or land vehicles, motorboat, airboat, sailboat, or snowmobile. Additionally, no person shall use any motorized, hot-air, or unpowered aircraft or other device capable of flight or any earth orbiting imaging device to locate or assist in locating big game mammals beginning 48 hours before and continuing until 48 hours after any big game hunting season in the same area. No person shall use at any time or place, without Department approval, any computer, telemetry device or other equipment to locate a big game mammal to which a tracking device is attached. For purposes of this subsection "use" includes but is not limited to personal use or intent by another to obtain information from such personal use. Evidence of an act constituting a violation of this section includes but is not limited to flying slowly at low altitudes, hovering, circling or repeatedly flying over any area where big game may be found. Exceptions to this subsection are:
- (1) When the motor of such motorboat, airboat, or sailboat has been shut off and/or the sails furled and its progress therefrom has ceased, and it is drifting, beached, moored, resting at anchor, or is being propelled by paddle, oar or pole.
- (2) When used by the landowner or tenant of private property to drive or herd game mammals for the purpose of preventing damage to private property.
- (3) Pursuant to a license from the department issued under such regulations as the commission may prescribe (see subsection 251(b) below).
- (b) Mobility Disabled Persons Motor Vehicle License
- (1) Applications: Applications for a Motor Vehicle Hunting License for mobility disabled persons shall be on a form supplied by the Department (Mobility Impaired Disabled Persons Motor Vehicle Hunting License Application, FG1460-10/95). The application shall include the applicant's name, address, physical description, a description of the qualifying disability, and a certified statement from a licensed physician describing the applicant's permanent disability. It shall be unlawful for any person to falsify an application for a Motor Vehicle Hunting License.
- (2) Terms of the License: The Motor Vehicle Hunting License shall specify conditions under which said license shall be used and shall include but not be limited to the following provisions:
- (A) The licensee shall be accompanied by an able bodied assistant who shall immediately retrieve, and tag if necessary, all game taken. (Possession of the licensee's tag, required in this subsection, shall not be considered an unlawful possession of a tag or license issued to another person).
- (B) The assistant shall not possess a firearm, crossbow or archery equipment unless he/she is a licensed hunter and possesses any necessary license or tag for the area being hunted. The assistant shall not discharge a firearm or release a bolt or an arrow from the vehicle. If licensed, the assistant may dispatch wounded game which has moved out of range of the licensee.
- (C) The vehicle must be stopped and the engine must be shut off prior to the licensee discharging firearm or releasing a bolt from a crossbow or an arrow from archery equipment.
- (D) The licensee shall notify the Department, at the regional office having responsibility for the area where the licensee intends to hunt, at least 48 hours prior to hunting or contact the department's 24-hour dispatcher at the number indicated on the license. The licensee shall specify the locality, vehicle description, and the approximate time frame during which such hunt shall take place.
- (E) The licensee or assistant shall not pursue any animal or drive or herd animals to any other hunters with a motor vehicle.
- (F) This license does not grant permission to trespass on private property or permission to use a motor vehicle while in any area where the use of motor vehicles is restricted or prohibited.
- (G) This license does not grant permission to discharge a firearm in any place or manner that would otherwise be unlawful, or to possess a loaded firearm in violation of any other city, county or state law.
- (H) The licensee shall have the license in possession while hunting from a motor vehicle.
- (3) License Fee: A license fee of $25.00, as adjusted annually pursuant to Section 713 of the Fish and Game Code, shall be charged for processing and issuing the Mobility Impaired Disabled Person Motor Vehicle Hunting License. Licenses shall be issued only by the Director or his/her designee. Licenses shall be permanent and have no expiration date.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§251.1. Harassment of Animals.
Except as otherwise authorized in these regulations or in the Fish and Game Code, no person shall harass, herd or drive any game or nongame bird or mammal or furbearing mammal. For the purposes of this section, harass is defined as an intentional act which disrupts an animal's normal behavior patterns, which includes, but is not limited to, breeding, feeding or sheltering. This section does not apply to a landowner or tenant who drives or herds birds or mammals for the purpose of preventing damage to private or public property, including aquaculture and agriculture crops.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§251.5. Game Birds, Game Mammals, Exotic Game Mammals, Furbearers and Nongame Animals, Possession Of.
- (a) Migratory game birds may not be held beyond the period provided by the federal regulations and in accordance with the daily bag and possession limits prescribed by these regulations (see sections 257 and 502.)
- (b) Live mountain lions may be possessed only under terms of a permit issued by the Department pursuant to section 2150 of the Fish and Game Code or if the owner can demonstrate that the mountain lion was in his/her possession on or before June 6, 1990 under a permit issued pursuant to section 3200 of said code.
- (c) Every game bird, game mammal, exotic game mammal, furbearer or nongame animal taken under the authority of a hunting or trapping license and reduced to possession by the hunter or trapper shall be immediately killed and become a part of the daily bag limit.
Amendment filed 5/29/2024; operative 7/1/2024.
§251.7. Possession, Transportation and Importation of Game Birds.
- (a) No person may possess any birds taken in this state in excess of the daily bag and possession limits. The exception to this is for the purpose of transportation, cleaning, storage (including temporary storage), shipment, or taxidermy services, where an individual may possess game birds taken by another hunter provided that they are tagged by the hunter who has lawfully taken them. The tag must contain the hunter's name, address, hunting license number, kinds and numbers of game birds taken, date and location of kill, and signature.
- (b) All birds, including migratory game birds, possessed or transported within California must have a fully feathered wing or head attached until placed into a personal abode or commercial preservation facility or being prepared for immediate consumption. Doves must have a fully feathered wing attached.
- (c) Migratory game birds imported into California shall be accompanied by a declaration of entry as prescribed in Section 2353 of the Fish and Game Code.
- (d) Only one possession limit of migratory game birds may be possessed per individual after the close of the season for that species.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§251.8. Transportation of Game Birds and Game Mammals off Indian Reservations.
- (a) Pursuant to the provisions of sections 3080 and 3081(b) of the Fish and Game Code, game birds and game mammals taken by California Indians on reservations under those circumstances wherein the taking of such animals is excepted from the application of the California Fish and Game Code in accordance with the provisions of section 12300 of the Fish and Game Code may be transported off the reservation and possessed within this state subject to the following conditions:
- (1) A permit, in such form as shall be prescribed by the Department of Fish and Game, to transport the carcass of a game bird or mammal or parts thereof off a particular California Indian reservation shall first be obtained from tribal members designated by the tribal council of the reservation. Copies of the permit shall be maintained and distributed by the designated tribal members in accordance with instructions issued by the Department of Fish and Game.
- (2) The carcass of each game bird or mammal or parts thereof shall be suitably stamped and/or tagged in such manner as shall be designated by the Department of Fish and Game prior to the transportation off the reservation.
- (3) The permit, stamps and/or tags, as prescribed by the Department of Fish and Game, shall be furnished to each tribal reservation without charge. No fee shall be charged for the issuance of the permit or the stamping and/or tagging of the carcass.
- (4) The permittee shall retain such permit in his possession and shall maintain the stamp and/or tags on the carcass or parts thereof at all times while transporting or possessing the carcass or parts thereof off his reservation.
- (b) Game birds and game mammals taken on Indian reservations in accordance with applicable provisions of the Fish and Game Code and part 2, division 1, title 14, of the California Code of Regulations, which apply to the remainder of the state may be transported and possessed on such reservations without a permit being issued or the carcasses being stamped or tagged as provided in this section.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§251.9. Computer Assisted Remote Hunting.
- (a) It is unlawful to take or assist in the taking of any bird or mammal in or from this state, by computer-assisted remote hunting.
- (b) It is unlawful to establish or operate a computer-assisted remote hunting site for the purpose of taking any bird or mammal from or within this state.
- (c) For the purposes of this section, "computer-assisted remote hunting" means the use of a computer or any other remotely controlled device, equipment, software, or technology, to remotely control the aiming or discharge of any weapon, including, but not limited to, any firearm, bow and arrow, spear, harpoon or any other weapon capable of killing or injuring any bird or mammal, for the purposes of taking any bird or mammal.
- (d) For the purposes of this section, "computer-assisted remote hunting site" means any computer, internet site or web-based device or system, or other electronically operated site or system used to assist in the remote taking of any bird or mammal.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§252. Bag and Possession Limit Defined.
"Bag and possession limit" means the daily bag limit of each kind of resident and migratory game birds, game mammals, exotic game mammals, and furbearing mammals which may be taken and possessed by any one person unless otherwise authorized.
Amendment filed 5/29/2024; operative 7/1/2024.
§255. Code Definitions Reaffirmed.
Words defined by sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 22, 29, and 30 through 88 inclusive of the Fish and Game Code have had and shall have the same meaning, definition and scope whenever used in division 1 of title 14, California Code of Regulations, it being the intent of the Fish and Game Commission in adopting the orders, rules, and regulations set forth in said division that the provisions of said sections were and are applicable.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§257. Resident Small Game Defined.
"Resident small game" means the following resident game birds: Chinese spotted doves, Eurasian collared-doves, ringed turtle-doves of the family Columbidae, California quail and varieties thereof, Gambel's or desert quail, mountain quail and varieties thereof, sooty grouse and varieties thereof, ruffed grouse, sage grouse (sage hens), white-tailed ptarmigan, Hungarian partridges, red-legged partridges, including the chukar and other varieties, ring-necked pheasants and varieties, and wild turkeys of the order Galliformes; and the following game mammals: jackrabbits and varying hares (genus Lepus), cottontail rabbits, brush rabbits, pigmy rabbits (genus Sylvilagus), and tree squirrels (genus Sciurus and Tamiasciurus).
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§257.5. Prohibition Against Taking Resident Game Birds, Game Mammals, and Exotic Game Mammals by the Aid of Bait.
- (a) Bait. As used in this section, "bait" shall mean any shelled, shucked or unshucked corn, wheat or other grains, salt or any other feed, or cervid-derived biofluid, capable of luring, attracting, or enticing resident game birds or mammals.
- (b) Baited Area. As used in this section, "baited area" shall mean any area where bait is directly or indirectly placed, exposed, deposited, distributed, or scattered, and such area shall remain a baited area for ten days following complete removal of all bait.
- (c) It shall be unlawful to use lures or similar materials that contain or are labeled or advertised as containing any chronic wasting disease sensitive cervid biofluid as defined in Section 714, including but not limited to urine, feces, saliva, and scent gland secretions, to take any game bird or game mammal.
- (d) Resident game birds, game mammals, and exotic game mammals may not be taken within 400 yards of any baited area, except for:
- (1) The taking of domestically reared and released game birds on licensed pheasant clubs and other licensed game bird clubs;
- (2) The taking of resident game birds, game mammals, and exotic game mammals on or over standing crops, flooded standing crops (including aquatics), flooded harvested croplands, grain crops properly shocked on the field where grown, or grains found scattered solely as the result of normal agricultural planting or harvesting;
- (3) The taking of resident game birds and mammals on or over any lands where shelled, shucked or unshucked corn, wheat or other grain, salt, or other feed have been distributed or scattered as the result of bona fide agricultural operations or procedures, or as a result of manipulation of a crop or other feed on the land where grown for wildlife management purposes: provided that manipulation for wildlife management purposes does not include the distributing or scattering of grain or other feed once it has been removed from or stored on the field where grown.
Amendment filed 5/29/2024; operative 7/1/2024 Amendment filed 7/1/2024; operative 7/1/2024.
§258. Season Defined.
"Season" means that period of time during which resident and migratory game birds, game mammals, exotic game mammals, and fur-bearing mammals may be taken. All dates are inclusive.
Amendment filed 5/29/2024; operative 7/1/2024.
§260. Prohibition Against Taking Other Than Migratory Game Birds and Quail in Picacho State Recreation Area.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these regulations, in Picacho State Recreation Area only migratory game birds and quail may be taken or possessed as prescribed in Sections 301, 500, 501 and 502 of these regulations.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§260.1. Prohibition Against Hunting Other Than During September-January on Providence Mountains State Recreation Area.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these regulations, in Providence Mountains State Recreation Area hunting is permitted only during the period September 1 to January 31.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§260.2. Hunting Restrictions on Lake Oroville State Recreation Area.
Game species may be taken on the Lake Oroville State Recreation Area only as follows:
- (a) No hunting of any type is permitted between February 1 and September 14 except for wild turkeys only, during the spring turkey hunting season as provided in Section 306 of these regulations.
- (b) No waterfowl or deer hunting is permitted at any time.
- (c) Game species may be taken only during their respective open seasons or portions thereof falling within the period September 15 through January 31; and as provided in (a) above; and as otherwise provided by state Parks and Recreation area regulations (see area regulations).
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§260.3. Prohibition Against Taking Other Than Migratory Game Birds on San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these regulations, in San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area, only migratory waterfowl may be taken or possessed as prescribed in Section 502 of these regulations.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§260.4. Prohibition Against Taking Other Than Waterfowl and Resident Small Game on Perris Reservoir State Recreation Area.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these regulations, in Perris Reservoir State Recreation Area only waterfowl and resident small game may be taken or possessed as prescribed in Section 551 of these regulations.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§260.5. Prohibition Against Taking Other Than Waterfowl, American Coots, Common Moorhens and Common Snipe Within Harry A. Merlo State Recreation Area.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these regulations, in Harry A. Merlo State Recreation Area, only waterfowl, American coots, common moorhens and common snipe may be taken or possessed as prescribed in Section 502 of these regulations.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§262. Prohibition Against Hunting on Portions of Frank's Tract State Recreation Area.
That portion of Frank's Tract State Recreation Area lying southwest of the following line is closed to hunting: Beginning at a point on Little Frank's Tract 2,000 feet north of the Piper Slough; southeast 2,000 feet east of the Piper Slough levee to the junction of the Holland Island levee.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§263. Prohibition Against Night Hunting.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these regulations, hunting wildlife from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise is prohibited in Monterey and San Benito counties east of Highway 101.
Amendment of NOTE filed 5-13-81; designated effective 5-23-81.
Chapter 2. Resident Small Game
§300. Upland Game Birds.
- (a) Resident Upland Game Birds
- (1) General Seasons: Shotgun; Crossbow; and Pistol/Revolver for Sooty/Ruffed Grouse Only; Bag and Possession Limits and Open Areas (see Authorized Methods of Take, Section 311)
(A) Pheasants
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
The second Saturday in November extending for 44 consecutive days
Bag Limit:
2 males per day for the first two days of the season; 3 males per day after the first two days of the season
Possession Limit:
triple the daily bag limit
(B) Quail [including California (valley) quail, mountain quail, and Gambel's (desert) quail]
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area Zone Descriptions
See area zone descriptions for details
Mountain Quail only:
a. Early Mountain Quail Season (Zone Q1) - The second Saturday in September extending through the Friday prior to the third Saturday in October
All species:
General Quail Season (Zone Q1) - The third Saturday in October extending through the last Sunday in January
All species:
b. Early Coastal Season (Zone Q2) - The last Saturday in September extending through the last Sunday in January
All species:
c. Balance of the State Season (Zone Q3) - The third Saturday in October extending through the last Sunday in January
All species:
d. Early Season for Hunters with Junior Hunting Licenses in the Mojave National Preserve -- The first Saturday in October extending for two days.
Bag Limit:
10 quail in any combination of species per day
Possession Limit:
triple the daily bag limit
( Zone Map (PDF)):
- a. Zone Q1:
The early mountain quail season hunting zone includes the counties of Alpine, Butte, Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Inyo, Lassen, Modoc, Mono, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Tehama, Trinity, and those portions of Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Fresno, Madera, Mariposa, Nevada, Placer, Tuolumne, Tulare, and Yuba counties lying east of the western boundary of the national forests.
- b. Zone Q2:
The early coastal quail season (all species) hunting zone includes the counties of Marin, Napa, Solano, Sonoma, Lake, and Mendocino.
- c. Zone Q3:
The balance of the state season (all species) hunting zone includes the remaining land area not included in Zone Q2 (the counties of Marin, Napa, Solano, Sonoma, Lake, and Mendocino).
(C) Chukar (Red-Legged Partridges)
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
The third Saturday in October through the last Sunday in January
Bag Limit:
6 chukar per day
Possession Limit:
triple the daily bag limit
(D) Sage Grouse
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area Open Zone Descriptions
The second Saturday in September extending for two consecutive days
See area open zone descriptions in subsection 300(a)(1)(D)3.
East and Central Lassen zones:
Bag Limit: 2 sage grouse per day, 2 per season
Possession Limit: 2 sage grouse per season
North Mono and South Mono zones:
Bag Limit: 1 sage grouse per day, 1 per season
Possession Limit: 1 sage grouse per season
- a. East Lassen Zone:
That portion of Lassen County beginning at the intersection of Highway 395 and County Road 502 in the town of Ravendale; north and east on County Road 502 to County Road 526 (Buckhorn Road); east on County Road 526 to the Nevada state line; south along the Nevada state line to its intersection with County Road 320 (Wendel-Flanigan Road); northwest on County Road 320 to its intersection with Highway 395 between Wendel and Litchfield north on Highway 395 to the point of beginning.
- b. Central Lassen Zone:
That portion of Lassen County beginning at the intersection of Highway 139 and County Road 513 (Termo-Grasshopper Road); east on County Road 513 to its intersection with County Road 523 (Westside Road); north on County Road 523 to its intersection with County Road 525 (Brockman Road); east on County Road 525 to its intersection with Highway 395; south on Highway 395 to its intersection with Highway 36 in the town of Johnstonville; west on Highway 36 to its intersection with Highway 139 in Susanville; north on Highway 139 to the point of beginning.
- c. North Mono Zone:
That portion of Mono County beginning at the intersection of Highway 182 and the California-Nevada state line; south and east along the California-Nevada state line to Highway 167; west along Highway 167 to Highway 395; north along Highway 395 to Highway 182 at Bridgeport; north along Highway 182 to the point of beginning.
- d. South Mono Zone:
That portion of Mono County beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 6 and U.S. Highway 395; north along U.S. Highway 6 to the intersection of U.S. Highway 120; west along U.S. Highway 120 to the intersection of the Benton Crossing Road; west along Benton Crossing Road to the intersection of Owens River Road; west along Owens River Road to the intersection of U.S. Highway 395; south along U.S. Highway 395 to the point of beginning.
No open season in the balance of the state not included in the above open zones.
4. Number of Permits:
- a. East Lassen Zone: 0 (2-bird) permits
- b. Central Lassen Zone: 0 (2-bird) permits
- c. North Mono Zone: 0 (1-bird) permits
- d. South Mono Zone: 0 (1-bird) permits
5. Permit Process: Sage grouse permits shall be issued pursuant to Section 716, Sage Grouse Permit Application and Drawing Process.
(E) Sooty and Ruffed Grouse
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area Open Zone
The second Saturday in September extending for 31 consecutive days
Bag Limit: 2 grouse per day
Bag Limit Makeup:
up to 2 sooty grouse
up to 2 ruffed grouse
or one of each
Possession Limit:
triple the daily bag limit
( Zone Map (PDF)) The open hunting zone for sooty and ruffed grouse includes the following counties: Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Inyo, Lake, Lassen, Madera, Mariposa, Mendocino, Modoc, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumne, and Yuba. All other counties are closed to the taking of sooty or ruffed grouse.
(F) White-Tailed Ptarmigan
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
The second Saturday in September extending for nine consecutive days
Bag Limit:
2 ptarmigan per day, 2 per season Possession Limit:
2 per season
(G) Wild Turkeys
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
a. Fall Season - The second Saturday in November extending for 30 consecutive days
Bag Limit:
1 either-sex turkey per day, 2 per season
Possession Limit:
2 per season
Statewide including State Game Refuge 1G, located in Tehama County.
b. Spring Season - The last Saturday in March extending for 37 consecutive days c. Additional Spring Season for Hunters with Junior Hunting Licenses - The Saturday and Sunday preceding the opening day of the general spring turkey season; and the day following the close of the general spring turkey season extending for 14 consecutive days
Bag Limit:
1 bearded turkey per day, 3 per season. No person shall take more than a total of 3 turkeys during the general, archery, and additional season for junior hunters, combined. Possession Limit:
3 per season (A bearded turkey is one having a beard visible through the breast feathers.)
(H) Spotted doves and ringed turtle-doves
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
September 1-15 and from the second Saturday in November extending for 45 days.
Spotted doves, and ringed turtle-doves: no bag limit
Possession limit: Spotted doves and ringed turtle-doves: no possession limit
Statewide. Note: There is no open hunting season on common ground-doves, ruddy ground-doves, and Inca doves.
(I) Eurasian collared-doves
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
All year.
Bag limit: Eurasian collared-doves: no bag limit
Possession limit: Eurasian collared doves: no possession limit
- (2) Archery Seasons, Bag and Possession Limits and Open Areas (see Authorized Methods of Take, sections 311 and 354)
(A) Pheasants
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
a. Early Archery Season - The second Saturday in October extending for 23 consecutive days.
Bag Limit:
2 pheasants per day for the first two days of the early and general archery seasons; 3 pheasants per day after the first two days of both archery seasons Possession Limit:
triple the daily bag limit; the daily archery bag may contain not more than one female pheasant
b. General Archery Season- The second Saturday in November extending for 72 consecutive days
(B) Quail (all species)
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
The third Saturday in August extending for 21 consecutive days and during the general seasons as follows:
Mountain Quail only:
a. Early Mountain Quail Season ( Zone Q1) - The second Saturday in September extending through the Friday prior to the third Saturday in October
All species:
General Quail Season ( Zone Q1 ) - The third Saturday in October extending through the last Sunday in January
All species:
b. Early Coastal Season ( Zone Q2) - The last Saturday in September extending through the last Sunday in January
All species:
c. Balance of the State Season ( Zone Q3) - The third Saturday in October extending through the last Sunday in January
Bag Limit:
10 quail in any combination of species per day
Possession Limit:
triple the daily bag limit
(C) Chukar
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
The third Saturday in August extending for 21 consecutive days and during the general season
Bag Limit:
6 chukar
Possession Limit:
triple the daily bag limit
(D) Sage Grouse
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
The second Saturday in September extending for 2 consecutive days
See area open zone descriptions in subsection 300(a)(1)(D)3. East and Central Lassen zones:
Bag Limit: 2 sage grouse per day, 2 per season
Possession Limit: 2 sage grouse per season North Mono and South Mono zones:
Bag Limit: 1 sage grouse per day, 1 per season
Possession Limit: 1 sage grouse per season
Open Zone: see open zone descriptions in subsection 300(a)(1)(D)3., which include portions of Lassen, Mono, and Inyo counties. Hunting by permit only; see permit process in Section 716 for details.
(E) Sooty and Ruffed Grouse
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
The third Saturday in August extending for 21 consecutive days and during the general season from the second Saturday in September extending for 31 consecutive days
Bag Limit: 2 grouse per day
Bag Limit Makeup:
up to 2 sooty grouse
up to 2 ruffed grouse
or one of each
Possession Limit:
triple the daily bag limit
Open Zone: see open zone descriptions in subsection 300(a)(1)(E)3., which include northern and eastern portions of the state
(F) White-Tailed Ptarmigan
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
The second Saturday in September extending for nine consecutive days
Bag Limit:
2 ptarmigan per day, 2 per season
Possession Limit:
2 per season
Open Zone: see open zone descriptions in subsection 300(a)(1)(F)3., which include portions of Alpine and Mono counties
(G) Wild Turkeys
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
a. Fall Season - The second Saturday in November extending for 30 consecutive days
Bag Limit:
1 either-sex turkey per day, 2 per season
Possession Limit:
2 per season
Statewide including State Game Refuge 1G, located in Tehama County.
b. Spring Season - The last Saturday in March extending for 51 consecutive days
Bag Limit:
1 bearded turkey per day , 3 per season. No person shall take more than a total of 3 turkeys during the general, archery, and additional season for junior hunters, combined.
Possession Limit:
3 per season
(A bearded turkey is one having a beard visible through the breast feathers.)
(H) Spotted doves and ringed turtle-doves
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
September 1-15 and from the second Saturday in November extending for 45 days.
Spotted doves, and ringed turtle-doves: no bag limit
Possession limit: Spotted doves and ringed turtle-doves: no possession limit
Statewide. Note: There is no open hunting season on common ground-doves, ruddy ground-doves, and Inca doves.
(I) Eurasian collared-doves
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
All year
Bag limit: Eurasian collared-doves: no bag limit
Possession limit: Eurasian collared doves: no possession limit
- (3) Falconry Seasons, Bag and Possession Limits and Open Areas
(see Authorized Methods of Take, Section 311)
(A) Pheasants
(B) Quail
(C) Chukar
(D) Sooty and Ruffed Grouse
(E) White-Tailed Ptarmigan
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits and Hawking Hours
3. Area
The third Saturday in August extending through the last day in February
Bag and Possession Limits: same as general season regulations by species. The daily falconry bag may contain birds of either sex. Hawking hours are sunrise to sunset.
See open zone descriptions for details on each species in subsection 300(a)(1).
(F) Sage Grouse
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits and Hawking Hours
3. Area
The first Saturday in November extending for 60 consecutive days, and during the general season
See area open zone descriptions in subsection 300(a)(1)(D)3. East and Central Lassen zones:
Bag Limit: 2 sage grouse per day, 2 per season
Possession Limit: 2 sage grouse per season North Mono and South Mono zones:
Bag Limit: 1 sage grouse per day, 1 per season
Possession Limit: 1 sage grouse per season Hawking hours are sunrise to sunset.
See open zone descriptions in subsection 300(a)(1)(D)3. Hunting by permit only; see permit process in Section 716 for details.
(G) Wild Turkeys
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
a. Fall Season - The second Saturday in November extending for 30 consecutive days
Bag Limit:
1 either-sex turkey per day, 2 per season
Possession Limit:
2 per season
Statewide including State Game Refuge 1G, located in Tehama County.
b. Spring Season - The last Saturday in March extending for 37 consecutive days
Bag Limit:
1 bearded turkey per day
Possession Limit:
3 per season
(A bearded turkey is one having a beard visible through the breast feathers.)
(H) Spotted doves and ringed turtle-doves
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
September 1-15 and from the second Saturday in November extending for 45 days.
Spotted doves, and ringed turtle-doves: no bag limit
Possession limit: Spotted doves and ringed turtle-doves: no possession limit
Statewide. Note: There is no open hunting season on common ground-doves, ruddy ground-doves, and Inca doves.
(I) Eurasian collared-doves
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
All year
Bag limit: Eurasian collared-doves: no bag limit
Possession limit: Eurasian collared doves: no possession limit
- (b) Migratory Upland Game Birds
- (1) Shotgun, Archery, and Falconry Seasons and Bag and Possession Limits
(see Authorized Methods of Take, Section 507)
(A) Band-Tailed Pigeons
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
a. Northern Zone - The third Saturday in September extending for 9 consecutive days
b. Southern Zone - The third Saturday in December extending for 9 consecutive days
Bag Limit:
2 band-tailed pigeons per day
Possession Limit:
triple the daily bag limit
Open Zone Descriptions ( Zone Map (PDF)):
- a. Northern Zone:
Includes the counties of Alpine, Butte, Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Trinity.
- b. Southern Zone:
Includes the balance of the state not included in the northern zone described above.
(B) Mourning doves and white-winged doves
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
September 1-15 and from the second Saturday in November extending for 45 days
Bag Limit:
Mourning doves and white-winged doves: 15 doves per day in aggregate, of which no more than 10 may be white-winged doves
Possession Limit:
Mourning doves and white-winged doves: triple the daily bag limit in aggregate
(C) Common Snipe
1. Seasons
2. Daily Bag and Possession Limits
3. Area
The third Saturday in October extending for 107 days
Bag Limit:
8 per day
Possession Limit:
triple the daily bag limit
Amendment filed 11/28/18; effective 1/1/19.
§310.5. Shooting Hours for Upland Game Birds.
The shooting hours for all upland game birds, except for pheasants and the spring wild turkeys season, shall be from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. The shooting hours for pheasants shall be from 8:00 a.m. to sunset. The shooting hours for the spring wild turkey season shall be from one-half hour before sunrise to 5:00 p.m.
Amendment filed 9/28/15; effective 11/14/15.
§311. Methods Authorized for Taking Resident Small Game.
The take or attempted take of any resident small game with a firearm shall be in accordance with the use of nonlead projectiles and ammunition pursuant to Section 250.1. Only the following may be used to take resident small game:
- (a) Shotguns 10 gauge or smaller using shot shells only and incapable of holding more than three shells in the magazine and chamber combined. If a plug is used to reduce the capacity of a magazine to fulfill the requirements of this section, the plug must be of one piece construction incapable of removal without disassembling the gun.
- (b) Shotgun shells may not be used or possessed that contain shot size larger than No. BB, except that shot size larger than No. 2 may not be used or possessed when taking wild turkey. All shot shall be loose in the shell.
- (c) Muzzle-loading shotguns.
- (d) Falconry.
- (e) Bow and arrow (see Section 354 for archery equipment regulations).
- (1) It shall be unlawful to take wild turkey by use of hunting arrows and crossbow bolts unless fitted with a broad head type blade which will not pass through a hole seven-eighths inch in diameter. Mechanical/retractable broadheads shall be measured in the open position.
- (f) Air rifles powered by compressed air or gas and used with any caliber of pellet, except that wild turkey may only be taken with a pellet that is at least 0.177 caliber.
- (g) In addition to the methods listed in (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) above, firearm rifles and pistols may be used for taking rabbits and squirrels only; except in Los Angeles County where rifles and pistols may not be used.
- (h) In San Diego and Orange counties only, rabbits may be taken at any time during the open season by means of box traps. Such traps shall not exceed 24 inches in any dimension, shall be tended at least once every 24 hours, and shall show the name and address of the trap owner. All rabbits taken under this section shall be immediately killed and become a part of the daily bag limit.
- (i) Electronic or mechanically-operated calling or sound-reproducing devices are prohibited when attempting to take resident game birds.
- (j) Coursing dogs may be used to take rabbits.
- (k) Archers hunting during any archery season may not use or possess a firearm while in the field engaged in archery hunting during an archery season except as provided in subsection (k)(1).
- (1) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the lawful possession of a concealed firearm by an active peace officer listed in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3, of Part 2 of the Penal Code or a retired peace officer in lawful possession of an identification certificate issued pursuant to Penal Code Section 25445 authorizing the retired officer to carry a concealed firearm. Nor shall this section prohibit the lawful possession of a concealed firearm pursuant to a concealed carry permit issued pursuant to Penal Code sections 26150 or 26155.
- (l) The use of live decoys is prohibited when attempting to take resident game birds.
- (m) Pistols and revolvers may be used to take sooty and ruffed grouse in those counties only and for the season described in Section 300(a)(1)(E).
- (n) Crossbows, except for provisions of Section 354(d) and (g).
- (o) Dogs may be used to take and retrieve resident small game.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§311.6. Prohibition of Rifles and Pistols in Picacho and Providence Mountains State Recreation Areas.
The use of rifles and pistols to take any bird or mammal is prohibited in Picacho and Providence Mountains State Recreation Areas.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§313. Upland Game Bird Hunting Validation
Any licensed hunter taking resident game birds including Chinese spotted doves, ringed turtle doves, of the family Columbidae; California quail and varieties thereof, Gambel's or desert quail, mountain quail and varieties thereof, sooty, ruffed, and sage grouse, white-tailed ptarmigan, Hungarian partridges, red-legged partridges including the chukar and other varieties, ring-necked pheasants and varieties, and wild turkeys of the order Galliformes; and migratory game birds including common snipe, western mourning doves, white-winged doves, and band-tailed pigeons must have a current state upland game bird hunting validation in possession. Any person hunting under the authority of a valid junior hunting license is exempt from this section..
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§354. Archery Equipment and Crossbow Regulations.
- (a) Bow, as used in these regulations, means any device consisting of a flexible material having a string connecting its two ends and used to propel an arrow held in a firing position by hand only. Bow, includes long bow, recurve or compound bow.
- (b) Crossbow, as used in these regulations means any device consisting of a bow or cured latex band or other flexible material (commonly referred to as a linear bow) affixed to a stock, or any bow that utilizes any device attached directly or indirectly to the bow for the purpose of keeping a crossbow bolt, an arrow or the string in a firing position. Except as provided in subsection 354(j), a crossbow is not archery equipment and cannot be used during the archery deer season.
- (c) For the taking of big game, hunting arrows and crossbow bolts with a broad head type blade which will not pass through a hole seven-eighths inch in diameter shall be used. Mechanical/retractable broad heads shall be measured in the open position. For the taking of migratory game birds, resident small game, furbearers and nongame mammals and birds any arrow or crossbow bolt may be used except as prohibited by subsection (d) below. Notwithstanding the general prohibition of the use of lights in Fish and Game Code section 2005, arrows or crossbow bolts with lighted nocks that do not emit a directional beam of light may be used.
- (d) No arrows or crossbow bolt with an explosive head or with any substance which would tranquilize or poison any animal may be used. No arrows or crossbow bolt without flu-flu fletching may be used for the take of pheasants and migratory game birds, except for provisions of section 507(a)(2).
- (e) No arrow or crossbow bolt may be released from a bow or crossbow upon or across any highway, road or other way open to vehicular traffic.
- (f) It shall be unlawful to use any bow or crossbow without a draw weight of at least 30 pounds for a bow or 125 pounds for a cross bow.
- (g) Except as described in subsection 354(j), crossbows may not be used to take game birds and game mammals during archery seasons.
- (h) Archers may not use or possess a firearm while in the field engaged in archery hunting during an archery season or while hunting during a general season under the provisions of an archery only tag except as provided in subsections (h)(1) or (h)(2).
- (1) An archer may carry a firearm capable of being concealed on his or her person while engaged in the taking of big game other than deer with a bow and arrow in accordance with subdivision (h), but shall not take or attempt to take big game with the firearm.
- (2) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the lawful possession of a firearm capable of being concealed on his or her person by an active peace officer listed in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code or a retired peace officer in lawful possession of an identification certificate issued pursuant to Penal Code Section 25455 authorizing the retired peace officer to carry a concealed firearm.
- (i) No person may nock or fit the notch in the end of an arrow to a bowstring or crossbow string in a ready-to-fire position while in or on any vehicle.
- (j) Upon application to the department, the department may issue a Disabled Archer Permit free of any charge or fee, to any person with a physical disability, as defined in 354(k), which prevents him/her from being able to draw and hold a bow in a firing position. The Disabled Archer Permit authorizes the disabled archer to use a crossbow or device which holds a string and arrow in the firing position to assist in the taking of birds and mammals under the conditions of an archery tag or during archery season.
- (1) Applications for a Disabled Archer Permit as specified in Section 702 shall be submitted to the department at the address specified on the application and shall include:
- (A) Applicant’s name
- (B) Applicant’s physical address
- (C) Applicant’s date of birth
- (D) Applicant’s Driver’s License or DMV Number
- (E) Applicant’s telephone number
- (F) Applicant’s signature
- (G) Medical Physician’s name
- (H) Medical Physician’s business address
- (I) Medical Physician’s business telephone number
- (J) Medical Physician’s State medical license number
- (K) A description of the disabled archer’s disability. The physician shall designate if the disability is permanent or temporary. If the disability is temporary, shall provide date the disability is expected to end.
- (L) Medical Physician’s signature
- (M) Signature of the authorizing department employee and date issued
- (2) Proof of meeting eligibility requirements may be met by providing a previously issued Disabled Archer Permit when the disability is still in effect.
- (3) The valid Disabled Archer Permit shall be in the archer’s immediate possession while hunting and shall be shown on demand to any person authorized to enforce this regulation.
- (4) The Disabled Archer Permit is valid beginning July 1 through June 30 of the following year or if issued after July 1 of the license year, it is valid beginning on the date issued through to the following June 30. For any person with a permanent disability, the permit is valid through the end of the license year. A Disabled Archer Permit for a permit holder with a temporary disability that ends prior to the end of the license year is valid only through the date specified by his/her physician.
- (k) For the purposes of this section a physical disability means, a person having a permanent loss, significant limitation, or diagnosed disease or disorder, which substantially impairs one or both upper extremities preventing a hunter to draw and hold a bow in a firing position.
Amendment filed 6/26/2019; effective 7/1/2019.
Chapter 6. Nongame Animals
§472. General Provisions.
Except as otherwise provided in Sections 478 and 485 and subsections (a) through (d) below, nongame birds and mammals may not be taken.
- (a) The following nongame birds and mammals may be taken at any time of the year and in any number except as prohibited in Chapter 6: English sparrow, starling, domestic pigeon (Columba livia) except as prohibited in Fish and Game Code section 3680, coyote, weasels, skunks, opossum, moles and rodents (excluding tree and flying squirrels, and those listed as furbearers, endangered or threatened species).
- (b) Fallow, sambar, sika, and axis deer, of either sex, may be taken concurrently with the general deerseason and on properties where an authorized deer, elk, or pronghorn antelope season is open. There is no bag or possession limit for deer taken pursuant to this subsection.
- (1) It shall be unlawful to take any deer pursuant to this subsection without a valid hunting license in possession, but no tag, stamp, or additional endorsement of any kind is required.
- (2) It shall be unlawful to detach or remove only the head, hide, or antlers of any deer taken pursuant to this subsection, or to leave through carelessness or neglect any portion of the flesh normally eaten by humans to go to waste.
- (c) Aoudad, mouflon, tahr, and feral goats may be taken all year.
- (d) American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos)
- (1) May be taken only under the provisions of Section 485 and by landowners or tenants, or by persons authorized in writing by such landowners or tenants, when American crows are committing or about to commit depredations upon ornamental or shade trees, agricultural crops, livestock, or wildlife, or when concentrated in such numbers and manner as to constitute a health hazard or other nuisance. Persons authorized by landowners or tenants to take American crows shall keep such written authorization in their possession when taking, transporting or possessing American crows. American crows may be taken only on the lands where depredations are occurring or where they constitute a health hazard or nuisance. If required by Federal regulations, landowners or tenants shall obtain a Federal migratory bird depredation permit before taking any American crows or authorizing any other person to take them.
- (2) American crows may be taken under the provisions of this subsection only by firearm, bow and arrow, falconry or by toxicants by the Department of Food and Agriculture for the specific purpose of taking depredating crows. Toxicants can be used for taking crows only under the supervision of employees or officers of the Department of Food and Agriculture or federal or county pest control officers or employees acting in their official capacities and possessing a qualified applicator certificate issued pursuant to sections 14151-14155 of the Food and Agriculture Code. Such toxicants must be applied according to their label requirements developed pursuant to sections 6151-6301, Title 3, California Code of Regulations.
- (e) Pursuant to Fish and Game Code Section 2003, it is unlawful to offer any prize or other inducement as a reward for the taking of nongame mammals in an individual contest, tournament, or derby.
Editorial correction of subsection (b)(2) - Register 2017, No. 13
§473. Possession of Nongame Animals.
- (a) Any nongame bird or mammal that has been legally taken pursuant to this chapter may be possessed.
- (b) It is unlawful to possess live nutria (Myocastor coypus), and the Department shall not issue any permit authoring possession of any live nutria.
Amendment filed 2/27/2020; effective 4/1/2020.
§475. Methods of Take for Nongame Birds and Nongame Mammals.
Nongame birds and nongame mammals may be taken in any manner except as follows:
- (a) Poison may not be used.
- (b) Recorded or electrically amplified bird or mammal calls or sounds or recorded or electrically amplified imitations of bird or mammal calls or sounds may not be used to take any nongame bird or nongame mammal except coyotes, bobcats, American crows and starlings.
- (c) Fallow deer, sambar deer, axis deer, sika deer, aoudad, mouflon, tahr and feral goats may be taken only with the equipment and ammunition specified in Section 353 of these regulations.
- (d) Traps may be used to take nongame birds and nongame mammal only in accordance with the provisions of Section 465.5 of these regulations and sections 3003.1 and 4004 of the Fish and Game Code.
- (e) No feed, bait or other material capable of attracting a nongame mammal may be placed or used in conjunction with dogs for the purpose of taking any nongame mammals. Nothing in this section shall prohibit an individual operating in accordance with the provisions of Section 465.5 from using a dog to follow a trap drag and taking the nongame mammal caught in that trap.
- (f) The take or attempted take of any nongame bird or nongame mammal with a firearm shall be in accordance with the use of nonlead projectiles and ammunition pursuant to Section 250.1 of these regulations.
- (g) It shall be unlawful to use lures or similar materials that contain or are labeled or advertised as containing any chronic wasting disease sensitive cervid biofluid as defined in Section 714, including but not limited to urine, feces, saliva, and scent gland secretions, to take any nongame bird or nongame mammal.
Amendment filed 7/1/2024; operative 7/1/2024.
§485. American Crow.
- (a) Shotgun, Falconry, and Archery Seasons, and Bag and Possession Limits.
- (1) Season: The first Saturday in December and extending for 124 consecutive days.
- (2) Daily Bag and Possession Limits
- Bag Limit: 24 crows per day
- Possession Limit: double the daily bag limit
- (3) Area: Statewide: see closure area (d) below
- (b) Crows may only be taken by shotguns 10 gauge or smaller using shot shells only and incapable of holding more than three shells in the magazine and chamber combined, bow and arrow, and falconry. The take or attempted take of any crows with a firearm shall be in accordance with the use of nonlead projectiles and ammunition pursuant to Section 250.1, Crows may not be hunted from aircraft.
- (c) No person shall kill or cripple a crow pursuant to this section without making a reasonable effort to retrieve the bird, and retain it in their actual custody at the place where taken or between that place and either: (1) their automobile or principal means of land transportation; or (2) their personal abode or temporary or transient place of lodging; or (3) a migratory bird preservation facility; or (4) a post office; or (5) a common carrier facility.
- (d) Crows may not be taken in the following areas:
- (1) Within the boundaries of the Trinity and Mendocino National Forests south of Highway 36.
- (2) North and east of a line beginning at the mouth of the Eel River; south along the Eel River to the town of Alton; east on Highway 36 from the town of Alton to Highway 89 west of Chester; south and east on Highways 89 and 395 to Interstate 15 near Hesperia; south on Interstate 15 to Interstate 10; and east on Interstate 10 to the California-Arizona border.
- (e) See Section 472(d) for the take of American crows causing depredation.
Amendment filed 6/26/15; effective 7/1/15.
)More information on the laws and regulations concerning the take of American Crows (PDF)]
Chapter 7. Migratory Game Birds
§505. Decoys.
The use of live birds as decoys is prohibited.
Amendment filed 10-5-81; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 81, No. 41).
§506. Shooting Hours.
The shooting hours for migratory game birds, including mourning doves, white-winged doves, band-tailed pigeons, American coots, common moorhens, common snipe (jacksnipe), and waterfowl for all of California shall be from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Exception: In areas open to hunting on, over or adjacent to the waters of Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo County, the shooting time shall be from 7:00 a.m. to sunset.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§507. Provisions Related to the Taking of Migratory Game Birds.
- (a) Authorized Methods. Only the following methods may be used to take migratory game birds:
- (1) Falconry.
- (2) Bow and Arrows or Crossbows. Only arrows or crossbow bolts with flu- flu fletching may be used except that conventionally fletched arrows may be used to take waterfowl sitting on the water from scullboats or similar watercraft.
- (3) Muzzle-loading Shotguns.
- (4) Shotguns 10 Gauge or Smaller. Shotguns 10 gauge or smaller using shot shells only and incapable of holding more than three shells in the magazine and chamber combined may be used. except no shotgun larger than 12 gauge shall be used in areas open to hunting on, over or adjacent to the waters of Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo County. If a plug is used to reduce the capacity of a magazine to fulfill the requirements of this section, the plug must be of one piece construction incapable of removal without disassembling the gun. Shotgun shells may not be used or possessed that contain shot size larger than T shot in steel or other nontoxic shot approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. All shot shall be loose in the shell.
- (b) Use of Dogs. Dogs may be used to take and retrieve migratory game birds.
- (c) Prohibition on electronically or mechanically operated devices. Electronic or mechanically-operated calling or sound-reproducing devices are prohibited when attempting to take migratory game birds. It is unlawful to use devices that are either electronically-powered, or activated by anything other than natural wind, to directly or indirectly cause rotation of decoy wings or blades that simulate wings, when attempting to take waterfowl between the start of the waterfowl season and November 30.
- (d) Live Decoy Prohibition. The use of live decoys is prohibited when attempting to take migratory game birds.
Amendment filed 6/30/2020, effective 7/1/2020.
§507.5. Scull Boats.
Migratory game birds may not be taken by a scull boat or similar watercraft while under motorized power. The motor shall be removed from its mountings before any take or approach is attempted.
This section shall not prohibit shooting migratory game birds from scull boats or similar watercraft with motor attached if beached or anchored; nor shall it prohibit the use of a motor for the sole purpose of picking up dead or injured birds.
New section filed 8-24-71, effective 8-24-71.
§509. Concurrence with Federal Regulations.
- (a) The regulations adopted by the United States through its Secretary of Interior under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, as amended annually in Part 10, subparts A and B, and Part 20, Title 50, Code of Federal Regulations, are hereby adopted and made a part of this Title 14 except where said federal regulations are less restrictive than the provisions of Chapter 7 of this Title 14 (sections 500-509), the provisions of Chapter 7 prevail.
- (b) Any violations of the regulations adopted pursuant to subsection (a) are violations of this section.
- (c) It shall be unlawful for any person aged sixteen years or older to take any migratory waterfowl unless at the time of such taking the person carries in his or her immediate possession an unexpired Federal migratory-bird hunting and conservation stamp validated by his or her signature written by him or herself in ink across the face of the stamp or an unexpired Federal migratory-bird hunting and conservation electronic stamp issued in his or her name prior to any taking of such birds.
Amendment filed 7/30/2019; effective 7/30/2019.
Subdivision 3 General Regulations
Chapter 3 Miscellaneous
§700. Hunting and Fishing Licenses, Possession.
- (a) Possession of Sport Fishing License: Every person, while engaged in taking any fish, amphibian or reptile, shall have on their person or in their immediate possession a valid sport fishing license, except when diving as provided in Section 7145 of the Fish and Game Code.
- (b) Possession of Hunting License: Every person, while engaged in taking any bird or mammal shall have on their person or in their immediate possession a valid hunting license.
Amendment without regulatory effective 8/9/2019.
§714. Prohibition Against Possession of Cervid Biofluid.
- (a) For the purposes of this section, chronic wasting disease sensitive cervid biofluid refers to, but is not limited to, urine, feces, saliva, and scent gland secretions derived from a cervid.
- (b) It is unlawful to import, use, or possess any product that is derived from, contains, or is labeled or advertised as containing any chronic wasting disease sensitive cervid biofluid.
- (c) The prohibitions set forth in subsection (b) do not apply to parts retained on a field-dressed cervid legally harvested in California.
Amendment filed 7/1/2024; effective 7/1/2024.
§715. Special Hunt Permit Issuance and Drawings in ALDS.
- (a) Special Hunts. A special hunt is a hunting opportunity, not otherwise specified in Fish and Game Code or these regulations, available to anyone with a valid annual California hunting license and any required validations or applicant statuses, for which the department may issue permits where participation is limited to a set number of available permits. Special hunt permits do not alter any season, size limit, bag limit or hunting quota specified in Fish and Game Code or these regulations.
- (1) The department shall establish the parameters of each hunt with consideration for public interest, hunter and public safety, department capacity and staffing, hunt quality, wildlife habitat and species abundance.
- (2) The hunt parameters will include, but are not limited to, species, location, season, maximum hunting party size, whether one or more additional hunter(s) or nonhunter(s) are allowed, the number of permits available, applicant statuses (apprentice, mobility impaired, new hunter, military veteran) method of take, and permit issuance method. For the purpose of this section, a “nonhunter” is a person in attendance at a special hunt who is not listed on any permit for that hunt, but who is invited as a guest or guardian of a permit holder. A nonhunter may only aid a permit holder in finding, pursuit, and attempting to take game, but a nonhunter may not themselves use a firearm, air rifle or archery equipment to take a game bird or game mammal during the special hunt.
- (A) Apprentice Status: The department may offer “apprentice” hunting opportunities that are limited to junior hunters as defined in subdivision 3031(a)(2) of the Fish and Game Code or parties that include at least one junior hunter.
- (B) Mobility Impaired Status: The department may offer hunting opportunities that are limited to mobility impaired hunters and disabled license holders or parties that include at least one such hunter.
- 1. A “mobility impaired hunter” is defined as any person who possesses a valid California hunting license and one of the following:
- a. A valid California special license plate for a disabled person or a disabled veteran issued pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 5007. A copy of the vehicle registration showing the special license plate for a disabled person or a disabled veteran was issued to the person must be in their possession while hunting.
- b. A valid California disabled person parking placard issued pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22511.55 or California Vehicle Code Section 22511.59. The parking placard must be issued in the disabled person's name and the person must possess the placard identification card while hunting.
- 2. A “disabled license holder” is defined as any person who has been issued a hunting license for the hunting license year pursuant to Fish and Game Code Section 3033.
- (C) New Hunter Status: The department may offer hunting opportunities that are limited to new hunters, or parties that include at least one new hunter. For purposes of this section, an individual is considered a new hunter beginning on the date of issuance of their first 1-day, 2-day or annual California hunting license, and for a period extending through the remainder of the license year from the date of issuance and for the following four consecutive subsequent license years.
- (D) Veteran Status: The department may offer opportunities that are limited to applicants based on veteran status. Veterans must provide their DD-214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, upon request.
(3) For the purpose of this section only, a “hunting party” is one or more hunters who apply together for a special hunt permit on a single application.
- (4) A “hunt group” is a designated grouping of one or more special hunt opportunities from which applicants may select and apply for a special hunt. The department shall establish hunt groups based on common hunt parameters. Each hunt shall be assigned into a hunt group. The department will establish the permit issuance method specified in subsections (c) through (e) for each hunt group.
- (5) The department shall announce the availability of special hunt opportunities and the parameters of the hunts at least 30 calendar days prior to the earliest hunt date by posting information on the department website ( concurrent with the availability of special hunt permit applications in the department's Automated License Data System (ALDS).
- (b) General Application Eligibility and Procedures:
- (1) Applicants must apply through the department's ALDS terminals at department license agents, department license sales offices or on the department's website.
- (2) An applicant may be a resident or nonresident and must possess an annual hunting license valid for the hunting season for which the applicant is applying.
- (c) Issued Upon Request Issuance Method
(1) The issued upon request issuance method is used when the demand for the opportunity is not expected to exceed the number of available permits. Permits will be issued upon department receipt of a complete application in ALDS.
- (2) Procedures
(A) Permits for the hunt group will be made available at least 10 days prior to the hunt season start date.
- (B) Eligible applicants are limited to one permit per hunt group and may claim a permit until all available permits are issued.
- (C) The applicant shall submit a non-refundable fee as specified in Section 702 of these regulations for each issued upon request permit.
- (d) Draw-By-Choice Issuance Method
(1) The draw-by-choice issuance method is used when demand for the opportunity exceeds the number of available permits. These hunts may have assigned hunting areas that can support multiple hunters and may allow party applications. A party application is an application with multiple hunters on the application with the party leader. Applicants may submit one application for one or more hunt opportunities within a hunt group. Applicants prioritize their selections in their order of preference, up to the maximum number of hunt choices allowable from among the hunts in the hunt group pursuant to subsection (d)(2)(E). Applicants will be awarded a maximum of one permit from among all the hunts in the hunt group. The hunt group parameters will specify the maximum number of hunters that may apply as a hunting party on an application. When applying as a hunting party, either all party members are successful, or all are unsuccessful.
- (2) Procedures
- (A) Drawing applications must be submitted in ALDS at least 21 days prior to the first hunt date for each hunt group.
- (B) The applicant shall submit a non-refundable fee as specified in Section 702 of these regulations for each application submitted.
- (C) For drawings that allow party applications, each applicant shall specify if the applicant is applying as a party leader or joining an existing hunting party.
- (D) Each applicant applying as a party leader shall be assigned a unique party identification number from ALDS.
- 1. To apply as a hunting party, the party leader shall apply first and provide the assigned party identification number to the other party members.
- 2. An applicant joining an existing hunting party shall provide the party identification number of the party leader. An applicant joining a hunting party shall be assigned the same application choice(s) as the party leader.
- (E) The department will set the maximum hunt choices based on the parameters of the hunt group and the number of permits available within that hunt group.
- (F) Each application shall be assigned a computer-generated random number. Party applications will be assigned one number for the entire hunting party.
- (G) The department will conduct drawings at least 10 business days prior to the earliest hunt date.
- (H) Permits are awarded to applications based on hunt choice and random number (lowest to highest) until the permit quota has been met. When a party application is processed in the drawing and the available permit quota is greater than or equal to number of party members, all party members will be awarded a permit. If the remaining quota is less than the total number of party members, all party members will be unsuccessful.
- (e) Draw-By-Hunt Issuance Method
- (1) The draw-by-hunt issuance method is used when the demand for the opportunity exceeds the number of available permits. Applicants in these drawings are applying for a single hunt opportunity. These hunts allow for applications of only one hunter. The hunt parameters will state whether the permit holder is allowed to bring one or more hunter(s) or nonhunter(s) to the hunt. Additional hunters or nonhunters cannot participate in the hunt if unaccompanied by the named permit holder. The draw-by-hunt permit is non-transferable. This issuance method is used to award permits for a hunt group where multiple similar special hunt opportunities occur over the course of a hunting season. Drawings occur separately for each hunt.
- (2) Procedures
- (A) Drawing applications must be submitted in ALDS at least 21 days prior to the hunt date.
- (B) The applicant shall submit a non-refundable fee as specified in Section 702 of these regulations for each hunt for which they apply.
- (C) Each applicant may apply only once for each hunt.
- (D) Each application shall be assigned a computer-generated random number.
- (E) Permits are awarded to applications based on hunt selection and random number (lowest to highest) until the permit quota has been met.
- (F) The department will conduct drawings at least 10 business days prior to the hunt date.
- (f) Drawing Results. Successful applicants will be notified via email, telephone, or U.S. postal mail. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified. Drawing results will be available by logging in to the applicant's profile in the department's Online License Sales and Services website.
Amendment filed 7/1/2024; effective 7/1/2024.
§716. Sage Grouse Permit Application and Drawing Process.
- (a) A drawing shall be held annually for available sage grouse hunting permits.
- (1) It shall be unlawful to hunt sage grouse without a valid sage grouse permit issued for a zone defined in Section 300, subsection (a)(1)(D)3.
- (b) Application Process
- (1) Applications for the number of permits specified in Section 300, subsection 300(a)(1)(D)4, shall be made available each year by July 10 through the department's Automated License Data System at department license sales offices, on the department’s internet sales site and at department license agents.
- (2) Applicants shall apply by August 10 of each year.
- (3) All applicants shall possess a current hunting license validation, and adult applicants shall possess an upland game bird stamp validation.
- (4) Applicants shall submit a nonrefundable Upland Game Bird Special Hunt Drawing Application Fee in the amount specified in Section 702.
- (5) Applicants shall not submit more than one drawing application for the same license year.
- (6) Applicants desiring to use a sage grouse permit during the falconry-only season must declare upon the application that the permit is for falconry only.
- (7) Applicants for sage grouse hunting permits may be residents or nonresidents.
- (8) Party Applications
- (A) No more than four persons shall apply together as a party.
- (B) Applicants shall specify if applying as an individual, a party leader or joining an existing party.
- (C) Applicants applying as an individual or as a party leader shall be assigned a Party Identification Number (PIN), which will be printed on their drawing receipt.
- (D) To apply as a party, the party leader shall apply first and then provide his/her assigned PIN to the other party members.
- (E) Applicants joining an existing party shall provide the PIN of the party leader to join the party.
- (F) Applicants joining a party shall be assigned the same zone choice as the party leader.
- (G) When drawn, all party members shall be awarded permits for the zone choice selected by the party leader.
- (c) Drawings for Permits
- (1) The department shall award available permits using a modified-preference point drawing system.
- (2) The modified-preference point drawing system shall award proportions of permit quotas using the following drawing methods:
- (A) Preference Point Drawing: Permits in the preference quota are awarded based on the following order of priority: accumulated point totals (highest to lowest), and computer-generated random numbers (lowest to highest).
- (B) Random Drawing: Permits in the random quota are awarded according to computer-generated random numbers (lowest to highest), without consideration of accumulated points.
- (3) The available permit quantity for each zone shall be split into separate quotas as follows:
- (A) Fifty percent (50%) of the individual zone permit quota shall be awarded using a preference point drawing. Permit quota splits resulting in decimal fractions shall be rounded to the next higher whole number.
- (B) Fifty percent (50%) of the individual zone permit quota shall be awarded using a random drawing. Permit quota splits resulting in decimal fractions shall be rounded to the next lower whole number.
- (C) For zones with quotas of one (1) permit, that permit shall be awarded using a random drawing.
- (4) For party applications, the department shall use the average preference point value of all party members (total preference points for the party divided by number of party members) as the basis for consideration in the drawing. Point averages shall not be rounded.
- (5) The department shall not exceed the sage grouse permit quotas established in subsection (a)(1)(D)4 of Section 300. When a party application is processed in the drawing and the available permit quota is less than the total number of party members, the application shall be unsuccessful.
- (6) Successful applicants shall be determined by drawing within 10 business days following the application deadline date. If the drawing is delayed due to circumstances beyond the department's control, the department shall conduct the drawing at the earliest date possible.
- (7) Notification to successful applicants will be made within 10 business days of drawing completion.
- (8) Unsuccessful applicants shall earn one (1) preference point annually for participating in the sage grouse permit drawing.
- (9) Successful applicants issued a sage grouse permit shall have their sage grouse drawing preference point value reduced to zero (0).
- (10) Preference points shall not be transferred to another person.
- (11) The department shall maintain records of preference points earned by individual applicants based on their Get Outdoors ID (GO ID) customer identification number assigned by the department's Automated License Data System.
- (A) The GO ID number shall be printed on each drawing receipt issued by the Automated License Data System.
- (B) Applicants shall notify the department's License and Revenue Branch in Sacramento of any changes or corrections to information required by Sections 700.3 and 700.4.
- (12) Any person not applying for a sage grouse permit for ten (10) consecutive years shall have their preference points for the sage grouse drawing reduced to zero (0).
- (13) For the purposes of this section, any person whose application is disqualified from the drawing shall be considered the same as a person not applying.
New section filed 11/28/18; effective 1/1/19.
§730. Camping Near or Occupying Wildlife Watering Places.
- (a) Camping/Occupying Defined. For purposes of this Section, camping/occupying is defined as establishing or inhabiting a camp; resting; picnicking; sleeping; parking or inhabiting any motor vehicle or trailer; hunting; or engaging in any other recreational activity for a period of more than thirty (30) minutes at a given location.
- (b) Wildlife Watering Places Defined. For purposes of this Section, wildlife watering places are defined as waterholes, springs, seeps and man-made watering devices for wildlife such as guzzlers (self-filling, in-the-ground water storage tanks), horizontal wells and small impoundments of less than one surface acre in size.
- (c) Prohibitions.
- (1) Camping/Occupying is prohibited within 200 yards of the following:
- (A) Any guzzler or horizontal well for wildlife on public land within the State of California.
- (B) Any of the wildlife watering places on public land within the boundary of the California Desert Conservation Area as depicted on the Bureau of Land Management maps of “Calif. Federal Public Lands Responsibility,” “Calif. Desert Conservation Area” and the new “Desert District, B.L.M.”
- (2) Camping/Occupying is prohibited within one-quarter mile of the following wildlife watering places:
- (A) Butte Well--T31N, R14E, Section 28, NE1/4, M.D.B.M., Lassen County.
- (B) Schaffer Well--T31N R14E, Section 25, Center, M.D.B.M., Lassen County.
- (C) Tableland Well--T31N, R14E, Section 17, SE1/4, M.D.B.M., Lassen County.
- (D) Table Mountain Well--T31N, R14E, Section 32, SE1/4, M.D.B.M., Lassen County.
- (E) Timber Mountain Well--T44N, R6E, Section 33, M.D.B.M., Modoc National Forest, Modoc County.
- (F) Belfast Well--T31N, R14E, Section 31, NE1/4, M.D.B.M., Lassen County.
Amendment of section heading and repealer and new section filed 8-31-98; operative 8-31-98.