Petitions for Regulation Change

Submitting a Petition for Regulation Change

Beginning October 1, 2015, every person or agency recommending that a regulation be added, amended, or repealed must submit a petition to the commission using the authorized petition form: FGC 1 Petition to the California Fish and Game Commission for Regulation Change (Word).

Please complete the form and submit it to the Commission:

  • Email to
  • Mail to California Fish and Game Commission, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
  • Deliver to California Fish and Game Commission, 715 P Street, 16th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814 (during the pandemic, please call one business day in advance)

A petition will be rejected by Commission staff if it is not submitted on form FGC 1, if it fails to contain necessary information in each of the required categories listed on FGC 1, or if it does not pertain to regulations under the Commission’s authority. A rejected petition will be returned to the petitioner by the Commission staff within 10 working days of receipt.

Commission Action on Petition: An accepted petition will be scheduled for consideration at the next available Commission meeting. The Commission will consider the petition, the Commission staff’s recommendation, Department of Fish and Wildlife's initial evaluation, if any, and any oral or written public comments received, and take one of the following actions:

  • If the Commission finds that the petition does not provide sufficient information to indicate that the petitioned change may be warranted, the Commission may deny the petition.
  • If any petition requesting a functionally equivalent regulation change was considered within the previous 12 months and no information or data is being submitted beyond what was previously submitted, the Commission may deny the petition.
  • If the Commission finds that the petition provides sufficient information to indicate that the petitioned change may be warranted, the Commission may grant the petition for further consideration and add the petitioned change to its rulemaking schedule.

Questions regarding the use of the form should be directed to or (916) 653-4899.

Regulation Petitions Index

The following index provides access to general information and submitted materials of accepted* petitions starting in 2020. An archive of active petitions submitted prior to 2020 is also found here.

Recently Accepted and/or Active Petitions (PDF)(opens in new tab)

(Updated 12/20/2024)

*An accepted petition is a petition which (1) is submitted on the proper form, (2) contains the necessary information in the required categories listed on FGC 1, and (3) pertains to regulations under the Commission's authority.