Pursuant to California Government Code Section 11133, the California Fish and Game Commission (Commission) and its committees are conducting meetings by webinar and teleconference in addition to an in-person location. Commission members may participate remotely. The public may provide public comment during the public comment periods and otherwise observe in person or remotely, consistent with the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. Commission meetings are also live streamed; visit the Commission home page on the day of the meeting to watch or listen.
Instructions for how to join Commission and committee meetings are provided for each meeting as a separate link on the meetings calendar.
The public is encouraged to comment on any item on an agenda, either in advance or on the day of the meeting. Instructions for how to provide public comment during a meeting are provided at the end of every meeting agenda under the heading “Important Commission Meeting Procedures and Deadlines Information.”
Submitting Written Comments in Advance
You may submit your written comments in one of three ways (only one is necessary):
- E-mail to fgc@fgc.ca.gov
- Mail to California Fish and Game Commission, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
- Deliver to California Fish and Game Commission, 715 P Street, 16th floor, Sacramento, CA 95814 (due to security measures at the building entrance it is best to call and confirm staff availability before traveling to the office)
Written comments received at the Commission office at least thirteen days prior to a meeting will be made available to the Commission prior to the meeting. Written comments received five to twelve days prior to a meeting will be made available to the Commission the day before the meeting. Written comments received in the Commission office four or fewer days prior to a meeting will be made available to the Commission after the meeting.
The Commission no longer accepts comments or requests for regulation changes via facsimile. Written comments and requests for regulation changes will be accepted by email, mail service or in person. In addition, requests for regulation changes must be submitted in writing using FGC Form 1, which can be found on the Submitting a Petition for Regulation Change page.
Speaking During a Meeting
A “General Public Comment” item is included on the agenda for each Commission and committee meeting for any member of the public to address the Commission for items related to its policies, regulations, or any other matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the meeting agenda. Separate public comment is also taken for each agenda item. As a general rule, action cannot be taken on issues not listed on the agenda. Submitting written comments in advance is encouraged to ensure that all comments will be included in the record before the Commission when it takes action.
If you decide to speak at a Commission or committee meeting, please begin by giving your name and affiliation (if any) and the number of people represented by your organization (if applicable). Then tell the Commission your concerns in the time allotted by the presiding officer – usually two to three minutes. Time allotted for each agenda item depends upon the number of speakers and length of the agenda. The Commission is interested in your views; don't worry about how to say them. If several people have spoken, try not to be repetitious. If there are several speakers with the same concerns, please appoint a spokesperson. The Commission is particularly interested in the specific reasons you support or oppose a proposal.
All electronic presentations must be approved by the Commission executive director and submitted in advance by the Supplemental Comments deadline listed on the agenda.